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It's time for you to find the right IRS tax representation in Atlanta Georgia.
Taxes can be complicated, frustrating, and leave you a wreck for days, but just imagine you find out you are going to get a visit from the tax man or that something was wrong with what you sent in. Now the real panic sets in!
What can you do in such a crisis?
In order to hire the right person, you need to know what a tax rep can do for you. Here are some things to look for when searching for experience Internal Revenue Service Representation:
First of all, if you owe outstanding Georgia taxes, your representation should be able to help you reach a reasonable compromise. What questions will they consider to help find a middle ground between you and the IRS?
- Is the amount of tax being required the correct amount?
- Could you ever conceivably pay the tax owed?
- If the answer to both is affirmative – would paying back the outstanding debt place you under extreme financial burden.
- Visit the IRS website.
Since the government rejects the great majority of attempts at compromise, be certain to find representation that will pre-qualify the request. That way you are not wasting your time and even more money getting together the needed information to present your case. Which income tax documents and forms are needed?
- Form 433-A Collection Information Statement for Wage Earners or Self-Employed Individuals
- Form 433-B Collection Information Statement for Businesses
- Form 656 Offer in Compromise
- Visit the IRS website.
Of course depending on whether you are self employed or are running a small business that will determine which of the first two forms you will use.
Another sticky Internal Revenue Service situation arises when you can't pay your taxes on time in full. Does the government offer payment plans? While it isn't generally advertised, a representative can help you to set up a reasonable monthly plan. Look for someone who can:
- Help with Form 9465 which is a request for a payment plan
- Help you avoid interest and late fees by encouraging you to scrounge up as much as you can for the initial payment
- Contact you immediately when they hear back from the IRS regarding whether your request was accepted or denied, or if you need to provide additional information
- Visit the IRS website.
Your tax representation also needs to have a good grasp on penalties. Do they know the penalties for:
- Failure to pay
- Inaccurate filing
- Understatement of the amount due
- Late filing
- Fraud
- A frivolous return (not enough information to verify tax amount due)
There are many situations in which you would need Atlanta IRS tax representation.
Be sure to find someone who has experience in the aspect of tax law that you need assistance. Since you probably don't want to flash around problems with the IRS, the best way to find your representation is online. But if you happen to know someone who has had a problem in the past, word of mouth usually makes for good recommendations.